Date 18 Dec, 2019
Project Type Collaborations
On 20th of November we mark the International Trans Day of Remembrance. GRADATION is a collaborative installation of Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG) and artist Uta Bekaia, supported by


*City Gaze is a collective surveillance camera – A punishing Eye, demanding from us the polished facades of monotony so that its gaze is not disturbed with the scenes of diversities, paradoxes and controversies.
Its strict gaze requires Good Behavior from us, not revealing our individuality, our thoughts and emotions. Good behavior means non-being, our being is reflected as an unseen, empty space in this gaze.

*A room of one’s own – Slowly, An Eye starts to turn in reverse and notice itself, which it was looking for in the focus of a surveillance camera in vain. This is a between space of a Collective gaze and a Reversed gaze.
A room of one’s own is a symbolic act, where the connection with ourselves should happen, where all our belongings, cloths, attributes and rituals unite in order for the conditions to emerge - to see ourselves, free from the outside surveillance gaze.

*Reversed gaze – An Eye starts to get used to darkness, the contours – to get clearer. Your self emerges in front of yourself, which got liberated from the collective gaze. This gaze is now all yours, and you, standing in front of yourself, look up to it - which is now taller, bigger and stronger than you.

None of your identities that has been created for the public gaze before matters here anymore, although you can reflect on how this gaze was shaping you in the previous rooms, in the streets, for the collective eye.

``GRADATION is a movement of An Eye, from outside towards inside, where the collective surveillance camera reversed its gaze and noticed itself.``

Media coverage:

Tbilisi Pride -

Netgazeti -


LESBI -გრადაცია---ინსტალაცია-ტრანს-ხსოვნის-დღისთვის/